50th Annual Stanford Powwow (Virtual)
Date(s) - 05/07/2021 - 05/09/2021
All Day
Tags 50th Annual, california, Mother's Day Weekend, Native American, powwow, Stanford, Virtual
The Stanford Powwow Planning Committee has kept the COVID-19 pandemic in mind as we began our planning for this year’s event. After much deliberation, we have come to the decision that hosting an in-person event will not be feasible, and so we will be hosting our 50th Annual celebration virtually! This decision was made with our commitment to the health and safety of our campus and broader community in mind. We want to be proactive in abating the spread of COVID-19 and protecting our Native communities as much as we can. We are excited to bring the Stanford Powwow to you virtually! Our Planning Committee is working hard and we have great things planned for a bigger and better virtual experience. Thank you for your support throughout these uncertain times! Stay tuned for our Head Staff announcement and Contesting flyer! More information and updates to follow!
(650) 723-4078, powwow-cochairs@lists.stanford.edu
About Author
Becky Olvera Schultz
Becky Olvera Schultz is an artist and photographer whose background includes journalism, advertising and marketing. She has been in involved with the powwow circuit for several years, participating as a vendor and as a member of powwow planning committees. For more information on Becky, visit her art site at www.native-expressions.com