Honoring Our Ancestors Powwow
Date(s) - 06/16/2017 - 06/18/2017
All Day
Ashtabula County Antique Engine Club
Native American Music, Dancing, Storytelling, Vendors and More. Native Dancers and Drums are welcome to join us for the weekend or even for a day. The powwow always takes place over the Fathers Day weekend, so it’s family friendly and a great way to celebrate that special day.
There may be an auction in the afternoon so you may find a real bargain. Or, stay on Friday evening for Trade Blanket. Bring some things to trade and learn how our ancestors did business. You are welcome to join us during Honoring Our Ancestors Powwow intertribal dances as long as you are in appropriate dress….no sagging for the guys and covered shoulders & no short shorts for the ladies. Modesty for all. Thank you for respecting our ways.
Children (6-12)-$3
Children under 6 are free
Camping for Drums, Dancers and Vendors Available.
Annamarie Watchful Lynx at 440-536-2213
Bonnie Morning Dove at 440-992-7397
or ashtabulapowwows@yahoo.com