Whispering Giants Intertribal Powwow
Date(s) - 12/02/2023
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Museum and Cultural Center at 5ive Points
Tags 1st Annual, Intertribal, Museum and Cultural Center at 5ive Points, Native American, powwow, Tennessee, Tennessee Valley Authority, Whispering Giants
This will be our first powwow, and we sincerely hope to make it into an annual event!
Native American dancing and drumming, flute playing, specialty dances, Luck of the Draw for dancers in regalia. Lots of shopping with Native American craftsmen and traders. Traditional Native American foods to try and enjoy. There is also a permanent museum on site.
Our event is sponsored by the Tennessee Valley Authority, and there will be no admission fee for anyone!
Host drum: Medicine Scout
MC: Michael Veal
Keeper of the Circle: Richard DeArk
Head Veteran: David Doty
Head Man: Roger Jones
Head Lady: Michelle Jones
Luck of the Draw registrar: Lisa Veal
Powwow Ambassador: Nikkie Koellein
Flute players: Crazy Flute and Kenny Lynn