A Word About Native American “Costumes”:
Is anyone else tired of the cheesy, tacky and racist stereotypical Halloween Costumes that are sold and worn every year? Have you had a friend or neighbor that has grossed you out wearing what they call a Native American costume? Been to a Halloween party and seen people wearing these ridiculous costumes? In my opinion people need to be educated about this. First, they need to be told that today’s Native Peoples outfits, worn for dance and ceremony, are not costumes but regalia, often referred to as outfit. Regalia should not be represented as a costume, especially made of dyed feathers, cheap fabric with stupid looking headbands. It’s even more obnoxious when the individuals wearing these costumes have their faces painted with silly patterns. Perhaps if Native Peoples were a completely extinct race this costume thing would be tolerable; well maybe. If you see someone wearing one of these tacky costumes perhaps engaging in a civil conversation to educate them would be appropriate. Meanwhile, let’s hope this trend goes away. Happy Halloween everyone!